A guide to marathon nutritional preparation

Training and nutrition are two of the key factors determining marathon race day performance.
While most runners spend many hours training each week, nutrition can sometimes be taken for granted, potentially compromising physical training.
Nutritional preparation invariably starts many weeks before the actual race. It is worth testing different food options to see which work for you, but as a rule, you should develop a marathon training schedule for nutritional intake up to 10 weeks before race day. This should involve studying the course, its terrain, any aid station locations and forecast meteorological conditions. Training is therefore as much about adhering to an effective nutrition plan, and knowing the exact conditions your body will face.
You should aim to increase your carbohydrate intake to stock up on muscle glycogen, at the expense of fatty foods, while familiarising yourself with the kinds of nutrients, liquids and gels likely to be available during the race. Your pre-race breakfast is important too - you should aim for around 100 grams of carbs while avoiding high fibre, fatty and high protein foods. Aim to also drink enough fluids to ensure a light urine colour.
Around five to 15 minutes before the start of the race, imbibe a gel and a few sips of water. During the race, it is advised to strike a good balance between over-consuming and under-consuming; whether through sports drinks, gels, chews or bars, aim for a target of 2% body weight loss by the end.
For further marathon tips, contact us at Maximum Mileage Coaching and consult our free cookbook to create a bespoke plan for your unique dietary needs.