The importance of tapering in marathon preparation

July 24, 2024


Serious runners will be aware of the need to incorporate tapering into their marathon training plan.

Research has found that tapering can enhance marathon performance by five per cent. For runners aiming for a five-hour marathon time, this could knock 15 minutes off the clock.

What is tapering?

Tapering refers to the adjustment in athletes’ training activity to ensure they rest sufficiently in the build up to events - specifically the gradual reduction in in training volume and running mileage - in the two to four weeks before a major race.

Muscle power diminishes during marathon training and fatigue can set in. This occurs when glycogen levels drop. The tapering period serves to offset the gruelling impact of long periods of intense training, ensuring muscles are fresh and that damaged tissues are repaired and injury-free in time for marathons.

What are the advantages of tapering?

Tapering works to an athlete’s benefit by boosting the immune system, improving sleep patterns and oxygen flow, replenishing glycogen fuel stores and repairing damaged muscle fibres.

Furthermore, tapering helps ensure a runner is mentally ready for race day. An analysis of 27 studies published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise journal revealed that tapering delivered performance improvements for around two weeks, where the training volume decreased by 41–60% without compromising training intensity.

Tapering should only be applied when necessary. Excessive tapering for every race will impact the core physical conditioning necessary to achieve optimal shape.
For further marathon training tips, contact your ultimate online running coach, Maximum Mileage Coaching, today.

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