The incredible story of China’s ‘Forrest Gump’

Chen Penbin is a major figure in China’s ultramarathon scene, having built up a formidable reputation over the last two decades.
The 46-year-old has travelled around the world competing in ultramarathons, running the equivalent of six laps around the Earth (or 240,000 kilometres).
This is quite a feat for someone who formerly set out to help with his father’s fishing business at the age of 14. Unfulfilled, he cast his attention – if not net – elsewhere, winning a press-up contest in his hometown and becoming a local celebrity in China’s Zhejiang Province.
His thirst for endurance had begun, and he entered competitions for other events such as mountain biking, crab catching and TV Guinness world record-breaking challenges.
Penbin came second for running a marathon in leather shoes, and quickly gained a sponsor as he moved into outdoor sports, acquiring the nickname ‘Forrest Gump’ in recognition of his grit and determination.
It was at an event at Montblanc in France that he first set about realising an ambition to conquer endurance races across all seven continents, and he has since completed the Doliho in Greece and the Jungle Ultra in the Amazon rainforest, as well as other races in the US, China, Morocco, Australia, and Antarctica.
Penbin is older now, but no less passionate. He currently shares ultramarathon training tips in schools with younger runners, and is still running around 10 kilometres a day.
If you think you have what it takes to emulate Chen Penbin’s endurance achievements, contact ultra marathon coach Maximum Mileage Coaching today for ultra running tips to help you take on the world.